Wednesday, March 16, 2011

A Proper Introduction.

I'm Rebecca Williams, the owner of Vexxy Cosmetics. There's about a ninety-nine percent chance you've never heard of my company, because it doesn't quite exist just yet. Making cosmetics has been a hobby of mine for quite some time, and now I'm working towards sharing my creations with the world. But you'll see more on that later.

I'm twenty-four years old, from a very small town near Spartanburg, South Carolina. I have a wildly artistic temprament, and have always known that one day I will have to use that as an avenue to be my own boss. That day hasn't come yet, but hopefully in the not-so-distant future I'll be reporting on this very blog that I am working for myself full time, once and for all.

I am addicted to color. Period. Sometimes I try to simplify my hobbies and passions and refer to myself as an artist, but I never can quite pin down exactly what it is that I do as an artist. I do all sorts of odd crafts and mosaics and collages and painting and faux finishing and tweaking and customizing and so on, and so on. So yes, the long and short of it is just this: I am a color junkie. I have to have it in my life, I have to be surrounded by it, and I have to have complete control over it. Everything that surrounds me must be aesthetically pleasing to my tastes. My clothes, my hair, my makeup, my house, my garden, my art, my everything!

Working with cosmetics allows me limitless options in playing with colors. Whenever I get a new shipment of my lovely ingredients, I can't help but lock myself in my office for two or three days and experiment with new colors and finishes. Soon it will be time to unveil my precious little Frankenstien creations and share my joy and passion with the world. I only hope that enough people will appreciate my work half as much as I do so I can continue to finance my addiction and realize the classic American dream: working a job that I actually, truly love.

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